Accelitas Insights

Are you prepared to make instant decisions?

Instant bank account validation reduces fraud while improving relationships between customers and companies. Learn how real-time data will be used in now and in the future.
BlogPost 70333204085 Are you prepared to make instant decisions?

Tags: Identity verification, Bank Account Verification, Account Validation, Account Verification, bank account validation, ai validate

Times up. You ready?

The Nacha Web Debit Rule is now in effect. If you haven’t revisited your bank account validation solution, now is a great time. Learn about Accelitas and our consistent 30% lift in coverage.
BlogPost 68315185057 Times up. You ready?

Tags: Identity verification, Bank Account Verification, Account Validation, Account Verification, bank account validation, ai validate

Now more than ever: Time to reimagine financial access

Whether serving the needs of borrowers, helping lenders make better credit decisions there’s a smarter way to move forward leveraging technology to reimagine financial access.
BlogPost 29315009294 Reimagine Financial Access | AI | Data | Fintech | Accelitas

Tags: Machine Learning, lending, Financial Services, Identity verification, Accelitas, credit risk management, Artificial Intelligence, interpretable results, Alternative Data, Credit Risk Web Service, Credit Risk, credit screening, predictive analytics, Credit Invisible, Credit Reporting, credit decisions, AI-Powered Analytics, Real-time Data, Creditworthy Borrowers, Financial Access, AI, Predict Credit, Fintech, Reimagining Financial Access, Confirm Identity, Payments, Enable Payments

What’s new in the State of Identity? Jimmy Williams delivers some essential answers

Accelitas shares insights on volatile market and fintech solutions in State of Identity’s latest podcast titled Accelitas: Reimagining Financial Access
BlogPost 34475196881 State of Identity | Podcast | Accelitas | Reimagining Financial Access

Tags: Machine Learning, lending, Financial Services, AI Lift, Identity verification, Accelitas, credit risk management, Artificial Intelligence, Alternative Data, One World Identity, Credit Risk Web Service, Credit Risk, credit screening, Explainable AI, predictive analytics, thin-file, Credit Reporting, credit decisions, AI-Powered Analytics, Automated Lending, point-of-sale data, custom credit score, COVID-19, Real-time Data, Coronavirus, Essential Retail Transactions, Creditworthy Borrowers, Predict Credit, Fintech, State of Identity, Reimagining Financial Access, OWI, inclusion, Explainable

Fraud Expert Jodi Pratt on the Equifax Breach and Its Repercussions for Consumers and Financial Services

Fraud Expert Jodi Pratt discusses the ramifications of the recent Equifax data breach for consumers, vendors, and IDV technology.
BlogPost 5368371032 Fraud Expert Jodi Pratt on the Equifax Breach and Its Repercussions for Consumers and Financial Services

Tags: Data breach, Identity verification, Equifax