Accelitas Insights

Best Practices, Innovative Solutions, and the Future of Account Validation

Accelitas joins Nacha to analyze the ACH landscape. Listen as they discuss best practices, innovative solutions, and the future of account validation.
BlogPost 159998483499 Best Practices, Innovative Solutions, and the Future of Account Validation

Tags: Financial Services, Accelitas, compliance, AI-Powered Analytics, Reimagining Financial Access, Timely payments, Ai Resolve, Bank Account Verification, Accelerated Insight Platform, Confidence Score, Account Confirmation, NACHA Compliance, ACH-ability, NACHA, Account Validation, Fraud, ACH, Account Verification, SOC Compliant, ai validate, nacha preferred partner, nacha partner

Are you prepared to make instant decisions?

Instant bank account validation reduces fraud while improving relationships between customers and companies. Learn how real-time data will be used in now and in the future.
BlogPost 70333204085 Are you prepared to make instant decisions?

Tags: Identity verification, Bank Account Verification, Account Validation, Account Verification, bank account validation, ai validate

Times up. You ready?

The Nacha Web Debit Rule is now in effect. If you haven’t revisited your bank account validation solution, now is a great time. Learn about Accelitas and our consistent 30% lift in coverage.
BlogPost 68315185057 Times up. You ready?

Tags: Identity verification, Bank Account Verification, Account Validation, Account Verification, bank account validation, ai validate