Alternative data and predictive analytics are changing the credit equation. Here’s how to get the best of both worlds.


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Accelitas and Equifax team up to give today’s businesses lower risk, faster conversion, and custom optimization 

Between the speed of business and changing consumer spending habits, the demand for new and nimble credit scoring is more crucial than ever. Today’s lenders need to reach a generation that’s more Venmo than Visa, more renter than homeowner, and more likely to be overlooked by traditional scoring methods.   

The new reality adds up to millions of creditworthy customers who remain virtually invisible to your risk management model — and essential to growing your business.   


Thin-file and No-file is the Future 

Those missing customers can often be found in alternative data: the non-traditional sources of credit history and the predictive analytics that turn thin-file and non-prime consumers into profitable accounts. Now imagine being able to custom tailor credit scoring to your specific business model and risk factors, while adapting to the dynamic marketplace itself. You’d have a much easier way to make smarter credit decisions.  

 And that’s where Accelitas and Equifax go to work.   


A Partnership with serious Lift 

Ai Lift from Accelitas can leverage multiple data sources to predict creditworthy thin-file and no-file borrowers. Easily incorporated into loan-decisioning platforms at any stage of the data waterfall, Ai Lift uses Explainable AI techniques and FCRA data from CRA partners to give lenders the confidence to make and explain credit decisions. Users can tune or retune these models with data from their specific market, creating a continuous feedback loop to optimize and leverage their own data performance.  


Equifax masters the data 

Unique sources of alternative data from Equifax expand visibility and insight into consumer credit behavior, including significant coverage of consumers who are credit seeking, subprime, and near prime. Companies get access to exclusive and unique tradeline data from industries not reported in traditional credit data ranging from short- term lending, lease- to- own/rent- to- own, payday loans, auto finance and more.    

  •  80+ million consumers with non-traditional credit data not found in tri-bureau credit file 
  • Equifax data has proven to reduce bad rate by 6.6% and KS Lift of 12.6% - 32.1% among thin & young, sub-prime or prime 
  • Consumers active in DataX are 35% more likely to have an inquiry on traditional credit file 


Finding Growth in Uncertain Times: The Webinar 

Accelitas and Equifax also teamed up to deliver actionable insight on this timely subject in a lively webinar hosted by risk management and data experts from both companies. Finding Growth in Uncertain Times demonstrated how unique sources of alternative data combined with next-generation analytics are able to not only help navigate the rapid changes and shifting metrics but identify profitable new opportunities ready and waiting.   

See for yourself. You can watch the webinar on-demand here  


Ready to work together? 

It’s amazing what the right partnership can bring to the table. Better yet, let Accelitas and Equifax work with you to develop optimized, customized, and fine-tuned solutions for your business. 


Tags: Financial Services, Accelitas, compliance, AI-Powered Analytics, Reimagining Financial Access, Timely payments, Ai Resolve, Bank Account Verification, Accelerated Insight Platform, Confidence Score, Account Confirmation, NACHA Compliance, ACH-ability, NACHA, Account Validation, Ai Verify, Fraud, ACH, Fraud Screening, Account Verification, SOC Compliant

Posted by Scott Mullins on 6/22/23 12:00 AM
Scott Mullins
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