Improve Lending Decisions with Machine Learning


Machine Learning enables computers to recognize patterns and take actions without first being programmed with built-in directives to do so. Machine Learning software “learns” through exposure to data, automatically refining its own ability to recognize and respond to patterns.

By applying Machine Learning to loan decisioning, organizations can significantly improve the accuracy of their predictions for key metrics such as First Payment Default (FPD).

DSi Customer Insight is a real-time onboarding service that applies Machine Learning to analyze credit applicants based on real-world data rather than on theoretical parametric models.

Customer Insight has proven to improve the accuracy of FPD predictions by at least 8.5%, enabling lenders to make more profitable decisions in real time. Because Customer Insight uses Machine Learning, the accuracy of its predictions will only improve over time, enabling lenders to grow profits while reducing risk.

Learn about Machine Learning and Customer Insight in our new white paper.


Tags: Machine Learning, lending, white paper

Posted by John Bennett on 11/27/17 8:12 AM